Where's the closest fallout shelter
Where's the closest fallout shelter

where where

This story was originally published August 24, 2017, 12:22 PM. Alerts could also go out through email, social media and text messages. The emergency alert system would be activated and a large broadcast through television and radio stations would let people know what’s happened and what to do. This link will take you back to the Index of all the States. After you have looked at this map look at the Information for Oklahoma that follows it. Listen for instructions from emergency response personnel. This is the nuclear target map for Oklahoma, but remember, fallout can go anywhere or everywhere (and probably will). Make a family emergency plan and build an emergency supply kit with food and water to last at least three days, a battery-operated or hand crank radio, flashlight, first aid kit, whistle, dust mask, moist towelettes, garbage bags for personal sanitation, wrench or pliers, maps, cell phone with chargers and backup batteries.Ĥ. Fallout radiation is the greatest threat during the first two weeks, then loses intensity quickly. Shield yourself with heavy, dense materials like thick walls, concrete, bricks, books and earth.Ģ. Find a basement or get to the center of a tall building.


Put distance between you and radiation particles.

Where's the closest fallout shelter